Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Easter Egg Tags & Flowers for Cora

 There's a precious little girl named Cora,
who is Diana's (my very good friend) Granddaughter.
Cora is 8 years old and in the 3rd Grade.

They were visiting me in March and Diana & I
noticed Cora standing in front of my drawer units 
that contain the thousands (literally) of craft flowers.
She looked 'mesmerized', 
as she gazed through the clear drawers without opening them.
More on this later....💖

I decided that I would make Cora some Easter Egg Tags
As my creation process progressed, 
I came up with more and more ideas..........

Here are the egg tags, with "side #1" of the largest egg.

Taking a closer look....

I had a few pages leftover from the very old 
Blue Fern Studios collection, "Spring Parade".
This is the perfect collection for making pretty Easter things for a sweet little girl!

This is the backside of the large egg...meant to resemble a cracked egg.

I made an egg outline in three different sizes.
I used them as templates for the cardboard, papers & clear acetate.
Each egg was decorated on both sides with the pretty papers in the collection, 
with the smaller two made into shakers.
Each was then lined with rickrack or pretty ribbon lace
and a hole punched at the top to thread ribbon through.

Now, I must tell you how very SMART Cora is for her young age!
I referred to these as Easter Egg Tags
and Cora named them Easter Egg Ornaments!

This cutie features a rabbit at a booth selling decorated eggs.
The beautiful sequin mix contains clear butterflies, clear hearts and clear stars, along with the multi-colored round sequins.

This one is the smallest egg and it has a cute bunny on it.
Simply lined with pink rickrack and the prettiest purple sequin mix inside!

The largest egg tag is not a shaker.
This is Side 2. 
It has purple cardstock, topped with a page full of pretty Easter things.
This side of the egg is lined with a dainty beaded lace ribbon.

Now, back to the 'story' about Cora looking at my flowers back in March! 
I let her pick out her favorites & gave her some to take home that day. 
That little girl was on CLOUD 9!

I decided to make an open envelope that the egg tags could be placed inside of! 
I made a pocket for the outside of the envelope that I labeled as "Cora's Flowers".
(You'll see in the video that Cora asks me how I did that).

I picked out some more flowers from my stash to give to Cora, 
but I needed a way to hold them in place 
so they wouldn't fall out and scatter everywhere.  
I wanted Cora to be able to take one or two out if she wanted,
while leaving the others in place.

This is what I came up with!
I cut out a 'tab' that I made 8 tiny slits on with my Exacto knife.
Each slit holds one type of flower securely!


I hot glued braided ribbon around the envelope so it could be hung 
either on a hook on the wall or even a door knob.

The backside of the envelope has the cutest 
itty bitty Beautiful Board by ReneaBouquets!
My recent order of goodies from Renea were wrapped and 
then sealed with this little beauty!
What a PERFECTLY wonderful gift at the right time!!

Thanks for stopping by!
Well, sweet little Cora LOVED her Easter Egg Tags (a.k.a. ornaments)
and was thrilled to get more pretty flowers to decorate with!
The JOY from a child is so rewarding!
So, here are photos and a video to share with you!

Hope you had a very blessed Easter!

Products used:

Envelope - to house all the pretties
Blue Fern Studios - "Joyful"
(for the envelope & the pocket)

Blue Fern Studios - "Sunday Best"
(the green side used for lining the edges of the envelope)

"Umbrella Chicks"
(on the backside of the envelope)

EK Success Edge Punch - "Jewel"

Martha Stewart - Scoring Board

Martha Stewart - Hot Glue Gun

Hobby Lobby - Braided Trim

Wild Orchid Craft Flowers - "Cora's Flowers"
Baby Blue Buttercups

Yellow Buttercups

2-tone Lilac Gypsophila

2-tone Mixed 10mm Open Roses

2-tone Light Turquoise Sweethearts

Purple Sweethearts

Baby Pink/Ivory MINI Sweethearts

Deep Pink MINI Sweethearts

Large Egg - Side 1 (Baby Chicks)
Blue Fern Studios - Spring Parade collection

"Baby Chicks with Cart"

Hobby Lobby - White Rick Rack

Lindy's Gang Starburst Spray
"Tea Pot Purple"
(to color the white rick rack)

Large Egg - Side 2
Blue Fern Studios - Spring Parade collection
"Spring Petites"

~ Michael's - Purple Cardstock
~ Hobby Lobby - Beaded Lace Trim

Medium Shaker Egg
Blue Fern Studios - Spring Parade collection

28 Lilac Lane
"Spring Butterflies"

Lawn Fawn - acetate sheets

~ Hobby Lobby - Braided Trim

Small Shaker Egg
Blue Fern Studios - Spring Parade collection
"Spring Petites"

Buttons Galore - Sprinkletz

Hobby Lobby - Pink Rick Rack

Lawn Fawn - acetate sheets

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! I appreciate every one of them!