Monday, August 10, 2020

A Win-Win Situation

I've been doing some major cleaning out 
of my scrapbook paper & flower stash.
I actually have a couple of empty drawers now!

If I don't feel that I will make layouts, cards or tags with them, 
then it's time to let them go!

I'm saving everything I have for a very special young lady
who is seriously considering going into private practice
associated with her Art Therapy Degree.
I can't think of a better place to donate my stash!!
She's very grateful & I will hold on to everything for her.

Always consider donating your stash
or at the very least, recycling in paper.
Schools; Psychiatry places that may have rehabilitation classes; 
or a local scrapbook group in need of more stuff....
to name a few that I'm thinking of.

I've donated in the past to worthy causes
and it's a great feeling to know that someone will benefit.

It's a win-win for everyone!