Friday, July 23, 2021

Taking a Break of Sorts

Hello Everyone! 
I'm taking a 'break' of sorts. 
I'm fixing to be on a new adventure soon!
MOVING to the GREAT state of Texas!

I will be near family, which is where I NEED to be!

Since becoming a widow and losing the absolute LOVE of my life to dementia, at the very young age of 65; enduring (like everyone else in Lake Charles, Louisiana) back to back strong hurricanes in Aug & Sept 2020, Laura & Delta (of which we have NOT NEARLY recovered from) ; then an ICE STORM in February 2021, which hasn't happened way down south here in La. since 1997 (we are a mere 30 miles from the Gulf of Mexico) and is an unprecedented occurrence; THEN on top of ALL of this, we endured a 100-year FLOOD!!!! I have lived in my home for 24 years now and never once have seen a flood this bad or this close to my home!!

So, with the buying of a fabulous 8-1/2 year old home in Texas and also going through having to put my 24-year old updated/upgraded home on the market 
Along with taking care of finalizing (FINALLY
my dear husband's Succession, 
I am so ready to move forward!

Please bare with me as I continue to take care of needed situations in my life and head towards a fun and new venture ahead!!

Some where - probably 2022, I'll begin coloring and scrapbooking and card making once again!
Who knows what's in my future with new friends that I will make 
in my new neighborhood of 55+!

Thank you for checking in on me and for continuing to follow me.  
I promise that there will be more to come. 
I'm considering a NEW BLOG solely about my adorable, loving companions - Miss Gali & Lucy, of course!
I'm thinking about starting from when they first came to live with 
me & Joe all the way up to present.  
They are so worth SHARING!
They TRULY ARE the LOVES of my life!

Please stay close and stay in touch!
Many thanks, 

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